Who Are You If Society Never Told You Who To Be?
It is one of the hardest questions we could ever answer. Most of us have built our entire identities based on society’s standards. From what we consume on social media to what we watch on TV, to the people we surround ourselves with. Every part of us has been carefully molded by external influences. It is no wonder that in today’s world, creativity feels like a lost art. Everyone is trying to be a carbon copy of someone else, and when someone dares to be original, they are often ridiculed for it. Since when has being unique become a bad thing?

Look at pop culture. BBLs, plastic surgery, and fashion trends all seem to blend into one uniform look. Individuality is slowly fading. It is like everyone wants to morph into the same person. But think back to when you were a child. You did not care about any of that. Your imagination was endless, and you could dream big without restrictions. You played, you created, and you explored without fear of judgment. Now, most of us cannot sit still for five minutes without scrolling through social media. And yes, I am calling myself out too.
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” – Pablo Picasso
With the possibility of a TikTok ban, I started thinking. What would people do without social media? Who would they be without the constant influence of it? The sheer panic that people felt at the thought of losing TikTok speaks volumes. Social media has become such a huge part of our identity that if the internet disappeared today, most people would not know how to function. And honestly, a part of me hoped that TikTok would be banned. Maybe it would force people to wake up and realize that social media is temporary. It is an illusion. You should have a life outside of it. A hard pill to swallow, but true nonetheless.
Most people cannot even imagine life without the internet. But if we all went off the grid, we would be forced to create. Not just content. Not just things to be consumed for validation. But real, genuine art. The kind of art that Picasso, Monet, and Van Gogh created. The kind of art that lives on, not because of social media algorithms, but because it speaks to the soul. Where are those artists today? Sure, you see some of them on social media, but instead of only using social media for validation, what if they put their art in galleries? Hosted events? Got their work into major museums? The world is so much bigger than likes and follows.
“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The harsh truth is, if you lost your social media account tomorrow, 99% of the people following you would forget you within a week. And that is a reality many influencers and creators are not ready to face. We have lost the art of true creativity. Yes, content creation is a form of creativity. Yes, social media can showcase real talent. But the real question is: Who are we, and what would we do without validation? Without an audience, what would you create? Would you still create at all?
Steps to Reconnect with Your Authentic Creativity
⦾ Create for yourself first. Make art, music, or projects that make you happy, without worrying about how many people will see it.
⦾ Limit social media consumption. Give yourself space to think freely without outside influence.
⦾ Find inspiration offline. Visit museums, go outside, watch a sunset, talk to strangers. Let real life inspire you.
⦾ Engage in activities that do not require an audience. Write in a private journal, paint in your room, dance with no camera on.
⦾ Ask yourself: If no one could ever see what I create, what would I still make?
Your creativity is the purest expression of your soul. It should be a space where your authenticity thrives, not a performance for the approval of strangers. So go out, create, and be unapologetically yourself. That is where true artistry lives.